Sunday, May 27, 2012

Travel and be happy

There is an old saying that there is a time in everyone's life after which they start loosing interest in their profession, routine activities and almost everything else. Everything seems trivial, and it becomes difficult to find motivation to participate in any activity. The wiser man may start questioning the reason for his existence. So did I!

I started asking questions to my inner-self: what is the reason that I am working days and nights even when I am not happy? What is it that I would like to do in life? What can keep me happy? After carefully considering for few days or may be even months, I realized that traveling to beautiful places, admiring the beauty of the nature, participating in adventurous activities, eating/cooking good food, keeping people around me happy, remarkably boosted my happiness. Now, though I have identified activities which make me happy, I don't have time - limited leaves. So, will I be compromising my happiness for the mundane activities of life? No, of course not! I might not have the answer today, but I have several alternatives in mind; the feasibility of these alternatives still need to be evaluated.

In the interim, let me share with you how traveling makes me happy and can do the same for you. Though it may sound trivial, but nature's fresh air and greenery can really reawaken your energy and enthusiasm. You can't imagine this unless you have experienced it before. So don't underestimate the power of this simple activity.

Watching beautiful birds and animals, playing with some of them or even running after them, can put back a broad smile on your face. Listening to the chirping of birds, the sound produced by a fish in the still water, enjoying the fragrance of flowers may become an amazing experience and even the time of your life.

The adventure of traveling itself and the surprises on the course add spices to your overall experience. Moreover, I can say that I get to learn a number of new things about life, about myself and about nature while traveling. So guys, try it! This might work well for you as well.

In addition to this, recently I had read an intriguing research report which stated that spending your money for experiences is a better choice for buying happiness rather than spending your money on products which may give you short term happiness. In short, travel and see for yourself!


  1. Nice article Sir, I really liked beginning and ending..:):)

    1. Thank you Meenal! Yes, the beginning is the bitter truth of life. I always thought I was an exception and that this time would never come into my life :) But it does :(

      Even I liked the end very much, mainly because I found that, even before reading that research report, I already knew at an unconscious level that investing in experiences is better.

  2. Sir, as u said its d bitter truth of life, I think its d mst imp phase of everyone's lyf and each of us have to / shud face it... dis makes us much stronger, experienced and optimistic towards life... :):)

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